You’ve just offended 1024 people

Precisely 1024 people are ashamed of you.

You’ve just offended 1024 people

In order for you to be born,

2 parents

4 grandparents

8 great grandparents

16 great great grandparents

32 great great great grandparents

64 great great great great grandparents

128 great great great great great grandparents

256 great great great great great great grandparents

512 great great great great great great great grandparents

And, 1024 great great great great great great great great grandparents, were involved.

For you to be born today, 10 generations and a total of 1024 people have played a role in creating you.

Imagine the lives these people led. Imagine the struggles and the hardships these ancestors faced in total just for you to be born.

And what do you do to honor them?

Sit around the entire day, consume the media garbage, and talk bad about the people around you just because you can’t get as better as them?

When you waste your precious time and genuinely don’t amount to anything significant as a person overall, imagine the shame your ancestors have to feel.

You’re a disgrace to your own bloodline.

How could you possibly do anything good to anybody in this world?

And you’re the only person in this entire line of generations who are slaves to themselves and their habits.

No purpose.

No place.

Your only battle is with your mind, not even the world.

And looks like you’re also losing there!


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