A Rich Dork

Let’s say you have two friends - a poor doctor and a rich dork.

A Rich Dork

Let’s say you have two friends - a poor doctor and a rich dork.

The poor doctor just completed his degree and is paid in pennies. If you need his help, he will be there in his old car and his rusty briefcase.

On the other hand, the rich dork has his dad’s money, owns a few cars, is privileged, and is only wanted by his friends for his ‘things’. If you need his help, he will be there in his brand-new car and his shiny watch.

Both these people could be your friends - yet you’d want their presence for completely different reasons.

The doctor is somebody you might need without his riches. He’s a person that has intrinsic value attached to him. Even with his rusty briefcase, he will still pull out a stethoscope to check what’s wrong with you.

The rich dork is somebody whose value is attached to his riches. You mostly need him when you want him to throw money to solve a problem. He’s a cash cow for you and every now and then, you throw him a bone by treating him ‘like’ a friend.

Now the difference between this doctor and the rich dork is that if the dork’s father decides to take his car and money away, he’s absolutely done for. His friends that want him for his riches or possessions won’t give a solitary fuck about him.


Because what he thought was his value was snatched from him. It was his money that did the talking - not him.

And the problem with money talking is that you usually attract flies that will stay till you have the currency on yourself. The moment it’s gone, the flies leave and find a new person to cling to.

So who are you?

The person with an intrinsic value associated with him?

Or the dork that flashes money to make friends?

Making rich friends is absolutely fine as long as they are still something even if everything is stripped away from them. Make friends that genuinely bring something to the table.

You using a rich dork only for his money obviously makes that dork a dork in the first place. BUT IT ALSO MAKES YOU AN EQUALLY TERRIBLE PERSON!

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