About the war

The people need your help

About the war

I won’t come off as arrogant as usual in this letter to you. 

Rather, I’ll be asking for your help.

What’s happening in Gaza is extremely unfortunate.

With thousands of people dying, children losing their parents and vice versa, and innocent lives being lost as you’re reading this, I want your help.

The events that are unfolding are genuinely horrifying - to say the least.

The people in Gaza need our help.

If you’re fortunate enough to have shelter on your head, a phone in your hand, and some money in your pocket, you’re immediately better off and you can help.

I’ve been digging into multiple NGOs, trying to find the one that isn’t a scam and is actually going to help the people of Gaza.

And every time, all my connections referred me to Islamic Aid

Over a thousand people every week read my emails. And out of you 1000, even if one person donates to this cause with me, I’ll consider this purpose to be a success.

Whatever you can, DONATE!

Not just to Islamic Aid - but any other way you think would genuinely be able to reach the people of Gaza.

And if you can’t donate, share this with somebody who can.

I’ll start the chain and will be donating with you.

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