Artificially Intelligent

I was on a hiring spree last month. I wanted to hire a few writers for my business. Even though I don’t talk to all these people at once, this time, I said - why not?

And I ended up talking to over 50 people.

50 conversations.

50 meetings.

50 writing “professionals”.

Except almost 99% of these people weren’t even remotely impressive. 

But I’m a fair man. I gave them the benefit of the doubt and thought - “Alright! They might not be great at speaking, but they could surely write. Don’t be so harsh on them.”

My big, warm heart decided to give them one more chance and ask them to write something about a topic.

But hey, you can’t really write if you can’t really speak well. And this translated into their writing too.

None of these write-ups were even mildly impressive.

Then I went to ChatGPT.

And asked it to write on the same topic.

It did a fantastic job.

I’m like a grandma at this point. I like to scroll through social media at late night. 

A lot of people with a lot of opinions.

A lot of people share how they feel about certain things.

A lot of people trying to gotcha others.

Except when you meet these people in real life, most of them don’t have an ounce of knowledge or wisdom that they talk about online.

But ChatGPT does a much better job than most of you.

I’m pretty sure that if I put ChatGPT on a date with a girl, it would end up winning her over much better than you would.

This may seem satire - but this analogy is extremely relevant in today’s time.

What value or skill are you providing in your career or your job that ChatGPT can’t provide?

AI is progressively doing a much better job at most things than you ever could.

Time, efficiency, and accuracy - that’s what AI is offering.

The videos you’d take a week to create, Sora AI is doing that in less than a minute.

Imagine where this tech would be in the next 10 years.

If I were you, I’d be so scared.

I’d be scared because I’d feel my skills are outdated.

I’d be scared because I’d understand that I’m extremely replaceable.

I thought AI would put truck drivers out of business. But it’s replacing your average graphic designers and content creators.

That’s almost poetic.

I’m not trying to bum you out, even though you should be scared at least.

But humanity finds ways to turn every catastrophe into an opportunity.

The only thing it demands is your action.

If you resist using AI, I promise, the world will walk over you.

2023 proved that the next decade is the decade of AI.

Learn AI.

Learn how to implement it into your job or business.

Learn how to make the best out of it.

Put in the effort. 

Start by getting a job that allows you to display your skills with AI.

Get smarter.

Don’t be like these morons on Twitter who think that by being keyboard warriors, they are going to conquer the world.

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