Hurt People Hurt People

Imagine a person with absolutely zero emotional-control

Imagine a man who got into a brawl with his spouse before leaving for work.

Yet he still leaves for work and continues with his routine.

The barista is being awfully slow today and the man loses his cool. He ends up shouting at her, storms out of the place, and drives away.

The traffic is moving slowly today. A little girl at the signal begs this man for a few bucks and the man scolds her and tells her to get away from his car.

The annoyed man goes to work mad, sits mad in his cubicle, and doesn’t greet anybody today.

That’s a total of more than 10 people who had a bad start to their day because of this single man and the fight he had with his spouse.

Somebody I know who recently came out of a relationship said to me once - “Hurt people hurt people”.

And that’s true… completely.

If your heart’s been broken, you’ll probably break others’ hearts and be a scumbag to the people around you.

Apply the same analogy to yourself now.

If you are a weak man who’s going through life, and you’re constantly upset by everything, constantly depressed by everything, and you don’t have the strength to resist the trials and tribulations of being a man, how could you possibly go any good to anybody?

Hurt people hurt people.

In the world now, weak men, who are emotionally led, impulsive, and not particularly stoic, are what could be found anywhere.

The most heinous and atrocious things are done by weak men.

A robber isn’t a strong man.

A man who hurts women isn’t a strong man.

A school shooter isn’t a strong man.

It’s a man who’s been picked on, got butthurt, never learned any emotional control, is the kind of person who does exactly what the TV tells him to do - ACT OUT YOUR FEELINGS, CRY WHEN YOU WANT TO CRY.

Hurt people hurt people.

Weak men do the worst things.

A mush, not-amounting-to-anything, gooey man hurts women.

A weak man robs stores because they don’t want to wake up and work hard with dignity.

A weak man steals.

These aren’t the traits of strong men.

And society as a whole is telling men to be weaker and weaker every day. Being a strong man with courage, honor, and dignity is bad - IT’S TOXICALLY MASCULINE.

To be a good man now, you have to be a very weak one.

And these atrocities in society, the degeneracy, and the crimes around us, this is all weak man stuff.

Hurt people hurt people.

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