“I don’t even look anymore”

Fears, stitches, and heartbreaks!

Have you ever had a childhood trauma that followed you throughout your life?

Have you ever had a stitch on some part of your body?

Have you ever had your heart broken?

A common thing about all these questions is that they leave an imprint on your life.

Your childhood traumas and fears linger around throughout your life. If you were scared of the dark as a child, chances are that you still fear it.

If you’ve ever had a stitch, there’s still a scar on your body. Anybody who asks about it gets to discover a story about you.

And if you’ve got your heart broken, chances are you look back a lot and keep remembering the good times you had with your partner.

It’s a familiar feeling and you somehow like to feel bad about what happened, about yourself, and how they could do this to you.

Don’t get me wrong, it’s a good coping mechanism.

You go through their Instagram, their stories, and probably the pictures you took together.

You like to talk to your friends about the good times. You walk around like you’re the most hurt person in the world. You listen to songs that keep their memory alive.


Till one day you’re stalking them on Instagram and you see them with a new partner.

Now you’re really heartbroken. Now you feel betrayed. How could they do this to you? After all, you left an opening for them to come back. How could they do this?

Now you want to change.

But guess what?

People around you aren’t interested anymore. They don’t want to listen to your sob story anymore. 

Remember when I said it’s a good coping mechanism?

It indeed is!

For losers.

When you sit there, with a phone in your hand, nothing better to do, and scroll through your ex-partner’s IG, don’t you have an instinctual feeling of getting better?

Don’t you feel angry?

Don’t you value yourself?

Don’t you promise yourself that you’re going to be the best version of yourself for a new partner?


All you do is semi-grieve.

You know what happens when you let somebody go from your life? 

You don’t even look back! You learn your lessons, get better at every stage of your life, and look forward.

There’s no point in looking at them anymore. 

There’s no point in making yourself feel bad because of somebody else. 

Put that phone down, and unfollow them on Instagram and other places. Delete those pictures, and get rid of that number from your phone.

Ignite that fire in yourself. You wouldn’t believe how much the world has to offer. Get closer to God, find your own way, and don’t look back. There’s so much fulfilment in becoming the best version of yourself and being proud of yourself.

And you want to give it all up because of that one person?


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