I don’t want to do anything anymore!

complaining about a brutal summer heat

“I don’t want to do anything anymore.

I don’t want to read/watch anything as well.

In fact, I don’t even want to eat anything anymore. All I want to do is sleep, lie around every day, and do nothing.”

If you’ve been feeling the same way over the past few weeks, you’re not alone.

You see, the temperature is increasing. Every year, we tell ourselves that this year is the hottest, never-seen-before, kind of year. And every year we deal with it somehow and make it through.

This year is no different.

It’s almost the end of April, spring is here, and we’re all happy. Cool breeze around, Instagram full of cherry blossom pictures, and mild rains, it’s pleasant everywhere. India is witnessing a beautiful climate right now.

Well, for the most part.

In some parts of the country like Bangalore, Kolkata, and Delhi, however, things aren’t exactly pleasant.

I reside in Bangalore and my job allows me to travel to the office on some days and work from home on other days. But lately, I’ve been choosing the latter too often.

Bangalore is heating up quickly and there are no rains. It averages 35 degrees every day and the days and nights are sweaty. While you’re going to find it hard to sleep through the night, you’re also going to find it extremely difficult to get up on time every day and continue with your regular life.

That’s how it is right now.

You get up every morning hunting for cold water and a cold shower. Your body isn’t ready and you have that unavoidable love-hate relationship with that snooze button of your alarm.

Then there’s that grey area of battling with food. You want to have breakfast but you don’t really want to. All you want is cold water. Your regular coffee has turned into cold coffee and you’re suddenly into fruits.

After finally getting something into your body, you try to think about work but you can’t. There’s so much to do and your body is already tired from the food you just ate. Doesn’t make any sense. You just ate something, you’re supposed to feel refreshed and rather you’re fatigued.

Anyway, you decide to take it easy and wait till lunch to start your work.

But hey, what’s for lunch?

You don’t want to cook!

You open up a food delivery app and nothing seems appealing. Rather have some fruits or just skip lunch altogether. The latter sounds appealing and you end up eating nothing most times.

It’s already 2 and you’re supposed to start your work properly now. A work sprint makes sense but come on, look outside. Everybody is inside, probably taking a nap.

Why don’t you do the same?

“I’ll only sleep for 30-40 mins, I’ll feel better” is the lie that we tell ourselves before taking that ‘power nap’. And before you realize it, it’s 6 already and you’re panicking now. The entire day was a waste and you need to get up and do some work.

You make some coffee for yourself and check your phone. There are a few missed calls, and a few texts, and Instagram somehow seems more appealing than ever.

This is another spiral you go into - Instagram, YouTube, and Twitter.

And since it’s late already you do either of the two things:

  • sprint your work for a few hours straight with zero motivation and a good amount of pressure

  • or, you just postpone it all for tomorrow and hope it’s going to be better tomorrow.

No matter what the outcome is, there’s always guilt of not doing enough.

Summers and this humid wave are enough to make you feel you’re lacking behind.

But you know what? It’s not just you, it’s everybody else as well.

I recently came across a post on LinkedIn by Camelia Sarkar, mentioning how difficult it’s getting to keep up with this incorrigible heat and how much it’s affecting our daily lives.

As a creator or somebody who has to keep up with appearances and other kinds of work, it’s not easy doing this all with a smiling face in such a climate. Especially if you’ve been fasting over the last month, I can vouch for your struggle.

Most importantly, if you’re traveling on a daily basis, commuting to work or other places, it’s not getting any easier as well.

Most days these days, you don’t even want to get up from your bed. All you want is a long vacation to the chillest of places on the earth. That beach vacation makes sense too.

What has worked out for me is to not do any important things during the daytime and push it all to the evening when the weather is slightly moderate and you’ve some energy to do most of the work in a single sprint.

Whatever you’re doing to beat this climate, know that you’re not feeling it all by yourself. All of us feel the same way. We’re all trying to power through.

Be a little easy on yourself!

Also, belated Eid Mubarak to you all! :)

Send me your Eid pictures as a reply if you want.

With that, I’ll see you next week with a brand new story.

See ya!

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