I Quit Food For 72 Hours

I decided to go on a long-long fast

I’m constantly in motion, travelling, moving from place to place, meeting new people, working 20-hour days, and building an empire.

And food is one of those things that I always undervalue.

I’ve already talked at length about how most of my days are spent consuming caffeine. 

2 coffees every hour. That’s a non-negotiable.

The only meal I consume in a day is the dinner.

That’s all.

But I believe that even that’s a lot. A man is born to suffer, struggle, and test his limits - AND THAT’S EXACTLY WHAT I DID.

I decided to go on a fast for 72 hours.

Now mind you, I’m not following any YouTube trend here. 

I genuinely wanted to see how I could perform while having no fuel in my system.

And so my fast started on Wed, 20 Dec and ended at 8 PM on Saturday, 23 Dec.

I don’t want to tell you the ins and outs of how I felt. Try it out for yourself and see how you perform, how difficult it gets to get up and sleep on an empty stomach, and how exhausted you feel after every conversation.

I still continued my regular life without letting it affect anything I do on a daily basis.

But I will tell you why I did it.

A lot of people ask me - “Taha, why don’t you choose a regular life with a regular job and a regular lifestyle?”

I’ve given different answers to this question.

But now, I have a clear enough answer.


Most times, life is going to put you in situations that you never expected. People who think life isn’t challenging are extremely naive.

You’re facing the world with your competition being people like me who wouldn’t waste an ounce of a second in their day.

And until you don’t put yourself in these extreme situations, you won’t value the small and bigger things in life. Being in a situation like this where I don’t have food puts me through trial and turbulence than you could ever think of. I’m harder on myself than you could ever be regardless.

Plus, this food is also something that will become your enemy at times. Your snacking problems, your overeating problems, and your health problems, all happen because you wouldn’t keep your hand away from your mouth.

Put yourself through a challenge. Test your potential. See what you’re made of. That’s one of the best ways to sharpen your mental and physical potential than anything else.

As for my challenge, I put myself through these situations only because I believe that you should be strong enough physically to protect yourself from others and strong enough mentally to protect yourself from your own mind.

Do you understand? 

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