“Peak Human Efficiency Achieved”

If I ask you to do something new today, you would suck at it.

In fact, you would suck at it tomorrow too.

Even the day after that.

A week from now, you’d still suck at it.

But a month from now, you’d suck a little less.

A few months later, you’d suck even less.

A year down the line, you might have gotten good at it.

Really really good!

So good that you might also start teaching others by that point.

About seven months ago I took my health seriously and burnt myself to the bones at the gym.

Every single day for an hour or two - just to prove a point to myself that I can.

And I did.

I got really good at it!

I built endurance and stamina, obtained a great physique, and stayed consistent with it - even during Ramadhan.

I thought I was an athlete and I could do well in any form of exercise, cardio, or even standing up against people. After all, confidence builds courage.

Till my coach showed up. 

And decided to take my exercise to a new level.

This new level unlocked almost two broken feet, eating up punches every day, legs that are unable to move properly, and almost losing consciousness on a daily basis.

So what are the KPIs of success here?

Well, day 1 took me 40 minutes to lose consciousness.

Day 2 took 45.

Day 3 probably took 50.

Day 8, still at it.  

After powering through the pain, I still understand that it’s just the start.

We’re barely scratching the surface.

We’re barely moving yet.

But by the end of every training session, I feel like a weapon.

My power, my strength, my morale, my confidence, my observance, and my perspicaciousness - everything is increasing.

Imagine performing at the maximum efficiency a human ever could. That’s how I feel.

But why am I saying this to you?

I know, every person that pushes themselves even a bit thinks they are the big guy now.

That’s not what this is about.

Most of us are operating at power-saving modes, dependent on naps, and eye candy to perform at bare minimum levels every day.

How many times do you get up and are genuinely excited for the rest of the day?

How many of you genuinely have a life that puts up new roadblocks for you every single day?

How many of you even put your mind or body to war?

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