People Are Secretly Hating On You

You're the enemy of many people

People Are Secretly Hating On You

Let me state something obvious to you - No matter what you do in life, you’re going to have enemies.

No matter

  • if you’re the kindest person on the face of this planet,

  • how much money you give to charities,

  • or how honest of a person you are,

there will always be somebody who thinks you’re the only evil on this planet.

While that’s inevitable, I will tell you something about what to do next and how to negate hate.

First things first, hearing mean and untrue things about yourself hurts - especially when it comes from people you’ve once spent time with. The more you climb the rope of progress in this life, the more monkeys will be at the bottom trying to pull you down.

You’d be a sociopath if these things don’t affect you even a bit.

Most times, you’d hear that it’s better to forget and forgive.

Let me give you a better answer.

Last week, I heard something from somebody talking about somebody saying something bad about me.

Irrelevant, right?

Not really.

I almost cared. In fact, I almost felt bad for a second.

But as soon as I was about to react, I thought about three things:

  1. Is this person doing better than me in life?

  2. Is this person genuinely a happier person than me?


As soon as I answered “no” to all these questions, I decided not to react.

Now let’s talk about you.

Countless times are about to come ahead in your life and you’ll hear certain people are unhappy with you.

And I know it’s going to sound difficult in the moment.

But I want you to ask yourself the same questions I ask myself.

When you realize the people who run their mouths are genuinely the most uninteresting and semi-depressed people who aren’t happy in their own lives, you won’t be angry at them anymore.

You’d pity them.

Remember, but don’t react!

Forgive, but don’t forget!

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