• Taha Maknoo
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  • A plan in motion and a plan in rotation

A plan in motion and a plan in rotation

Step one

“Here’s how you can earn $8000 every month by doing just 1 hour of work every day.”

Have you ever seen such videos on the internet?

I’m sure you have.

In fact, the way things seem to be simplified, you feel like “I can do this too”.

You feel you should have been capitalizing on such an opportunity already.

You almost feel like this is it, this is the video where your new endeavor starts. Your hindsight even starts calculating the time you could dedicate to it. Your mind plays a story that ends with you potentially “making it”.

You get excited because after all, this is valuable information that’s also extremely doable for you. 

And then you save this video.

And then you move on to the next video.

4 videos down, your mind is still somehow thinking about that video that you just saved.

8 videos down, you remember it, yes, but it’s alright, you can execute this plan tomorrow.

18 videos down, you forgot what the video even was about.

TIll you revisit the video a month later and realize that you completely forgot about it.

There’s this guy on Instagram who interviews business owners from different industries, asking them how they would start it all over again if they had nothing.

Almost all these people mentioned that execution is the most important part. 

From selling flowers in France to owning a concrete plant in Japan, there are countless ways of making money.

If you ask ChatGPT right now for 50 ways to make money, I’m sure it would give you enough things to do.

Most of you are smart enough to craft a money-making plan in just a day.

But that’s not the important part.

The important part is speed.

From the time you save a video to the time you start executing it, the bigger the timeline, the less chances of you executing it.

Ask yourself, how many plans have you kept on the back burner for now?

How many tabs are open on your laptop that you need to attend to but don’t get the chance?

How many reels have you saved that you need to revisit and try on your own?

All of us live one day at a time. The energy and passion you have about something today may not be the same when you wake up tomorrow.

Actions lead to strategy… It’s never the other way around.

Of course, a good plan will help you understand things a little better.

But a good plan without any sort of execution will just remain a document on your computer or your desk, eating pixel dust, waiting for some sort of action.

If you’re planning to finally start working out from next month, you can spend a month beforehand, learning about machines, the diet you should be eating, or the exercises you could be doing.

Or you could just go tomorrow and figure it out along the way.

Your plans deserve actionables. And these actionable will come only when you walk the first step.

So walk the first step.

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