The Initial (and final) Investment

Making an eternal choice

The Initial (and final) Investment

Back in 2010, Bitcoin, one of the most popular cryptocurrencies had a value of $0.09. Today, the value of a single Bitcoin is $40,000.

Back in 2005, YouTube was a tiny video platform. Today, you don’t go a day without opening it.

Back in 1998, I was a baby. Right now, I’m conquering the marketing game and taking over businesses for good.

Do you recognize the pattern?

Certain things don’t have an intrinsic value associated with them at the very beginning. But with a strong team, a solid foundation, and a powerful drive, things could turn around. 

But in all these situations, somebody is working at the front lines, and somebody working behind the scenes.

  • Bitcoin wouldn’t be Bitcoin without the team behind it.

  • YouTube wouldn’t be YouTube without the support of the people around it.

  • I wouldn’t be Taha Maknoo without a strong support system behind me.

And do you know who works behind the scenes for most people that achieve something?


I travel a lot.

I hear a lot of stories from people.

I hear a lot of successful and failing relationship stories.

Most women in these relationships have a common complaint, “He’s not the man I once fell in love with”.

I’ve talked extensively about accountability for men and they could optimize themselves to attract the right women.

But there’s a part for women to play here too.

Every man you think of as a potential partner is practically an investment.

You look at a man and analyze how he’s going through life, how well he can solve problems, and how his future looks five years from now.

If it’s a man who seems to have a purpose in life and has laid down a roadmap for himself, you want to be with him - either by his side or leading with him shoulder to shoulder.

But if you’re settling for a man because he’s made you laugh at a club while you were out of your mind, and all he knows is only that - chances are, most times you’re very much settling for a shitty option.

I very much believe that women have the power to analyze people than most men. They have instincts that most of us can’t ever have. 

If one of my women tells me not to go out on a certain date because they don’t feel good about me going out that day, I very much listen. 

Your instincts are your investment.

Who knows, you could be finding the next Bitcoin or YouTube.

Choose wisely.

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