“The Struggle is Real”

Life’s been moving extremely fast lately.

Two weeks back, I celebrated my birthday.

26th birthday!

Out of a few insecurities that I have, the most prominent one is that never-ending question that I ask myself - Am I doing enough?

Yeah sure there’s some money, there’s a good business, clients are happy, content is getting eyeballs, interesting projects are going on, but am I personally doing enough?

I’ve been wanting to step out of the internet world for a while.

And I’ve been trying to learn to box.


This should tell you that it’s not a burst of enthusiasm after watching a YouTube video.

I’ve genuinely wanted this for a long time.

And I managed to put it all together a few days back.

I managed to convince a coach to train me for at least an hour every single morning.

Today was day 3 since I started.

And as soon as I did my first warmup, I realized that this was actually happening. I’ve made a major decision in my life and it’s about to get extremely difficult from here…

…Till it gets easier.

But that’s a stage which is very far down the line.

I have three takeaways for myself which I am documenting in this newsletter. Maybe a few years later I will come back to this.

1. Don’t rush your decisions. I have been chasing a coach for over 4 months now. I met a few people but I met the best person for something like this only last week. It pays to be patient.

2. Money isn’t fulfilling. Not even a bit. I don’t call myself rich but life’s good. Yet I still don’t feel any fulfilment in making this money as I do in doing something for the people I love or even as mundane as going to the gym.

3. Everything requires hard work. Some things more than others. Believe me when I say that I haven’t missed a day of going to the gym in the last 6 months. But when I did my first boxing training on Friday, I felt I’d been on the couch, unhealthy, and rusty all my life. 

Building a business, nurturing relationships with people, making your first dollar, or eating well, everything requires hard work. Everything is a quest of commitment. It’s a mental game and you can’t do anything without a strong mindset.

My coach asked me to do 200 skips. I completely gassed out on the 40th skip. But the rest of the 160 skips, I did because I asked for this. I did them because I’m not the one to back down. And I did them because you’d never be able to achieve greatness without sacrifices. 

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