It’s tough being the hero

Before Spider-man became Spider-man, he was just an average guy with a menial life and a hope of finding a job.

And when the spider bit, he started swinging from buildings until his uncle died and he started chasing after the bad guys.

I’m not here to roast the movie.

But at one point in the movie, his uncle says, “With great power comes great responsibility”.

For 3 entire parts of the movie, he was beating up bad guys.

Now the fun part is that Spider Man was never asked to do so. But he, on his own, had an affinity for his city and the people in that city.

And because of this, Spider Man doesn’t stop beating bad guys, saving people, and fulfilling the moral obligations that HE set for himself.

Nobody but him.

The insect man after all was a hero, right?

Lately, I haven’t had the time to sit and think properly.

Whenever I do, I end up getting a call, an important text, or somebody looking for me, asking me to put out a fire somewhere in their business.

My mother always tells me that you don’t have to prove anything to anybody anymore.

In fact, most times, she asks me to take it easy and not move a million miles an hour.

Maybe she’s right!

But what’s important to me is that I haven’t had the time to sit and think properly lately.

I feel an affinity for the people I work with and the people in my team. I feel I have to do good for them and I can’t let them down.

I can’t let myself down.

There was a time when this entire thing was about money and making more of it.

It’s still the same to some extent, but not exclusively about making money.

I’m trying to compound the empire and diversify my risk-bearing capacity. That’s enough for you to hear for now.

But life has been moving so fast that I haven’t had the time to sit and think properly lately.

If you ask me to put together a life for a person, I’ll have the following elements infused in his life:

1. Work

Now before you call me a boring loser for not including anything else, let me tell you a secret.

When you start doing good for yourself, the people around you automatically start developing expectations from you.

They won’t say it loud… but they do!

You start taking the responsibility of your household and start taking people in.

And this scares you to some extent because now you can’t fail.

It won’t just be you. It will also be the people who associate with you.

It will be the people who were dependent on you for their livelihood. It will be your family who never said it out loud but always thought that whatever you’re doing is actually working out. It will be your partner who will doubt your capabilities to some extent.

The margin of loss is small when you take up major responsibilities.

People associate their expectations with you. And that puts a burden on your shoulders. You may not like it but you gotta keep swinging and protecting people.

You need to keep eliminating the bad guys and protecting your clan.

You need to be that Spider Man for everybody else!


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