
This isn’t a letter about politics. This is about YOU.


This isn’t a letter about politics.

This isn’t a letter about who’s in the right or wrong.

This isn’t about two countries and by extension, other countries involved in it too.

This is about YOU and your role in this entire equation.

4 days ago, a war was declared between two territories thousands of miles away from where you live.

Wars are the unfortunate reality of almost every generation of people.

Thousands of people have lost their lives on both sides. Thousands of families have lost their homes. Millions of tears have poured down the cheeks of innocent people who are at the mercy of their ruling parties.

In this situation, you have three groups of people with distinct reservations.

The first group of people thinks that it’s absolutely mandatory for everybody to pick a side.

The second group of people has already decided to believe whatever the news says, has picked a side, and is wishing death on the other side.

The third group of people don’t want any kind of association with anything. They chose to close their eyes to the conflict and move on with their lives with the argument that they don’t want to dabble in these issues.

First of all, anybody who’s into picking sides and alienating the other side, you don’t realize that each side is losing innocent lives on a massive scale.

There’s nothing black and white in wars.

There’s never a side that’s completely good and the other side that’s completely bad.

That only happens in movies.

“Pick a side. And as soon as you pick a side, you’re immediately the enemy of the other side”.

This is the narrative.

Secondly, this isn’t just a war between two sides. It’s also a war on your sanity and how quickly you believe false narratives.

You’re being fed false narratives and information to make you show empathy towards one side and absolutely hate the other side.

Let me show you an example:

There are two types of people in the world currently - those who believe anything and everything blindly and those who ask questions.

Before you decide to believe anything, hate somebody or something, and say things like “give’em hell”, ask questions for yourself and see the bigger picture.

Thirdly - for the people who have taken the back seat and don’t want to even think about this brutality going on currently,

When a war like this knocks on your door, you won’t have the option to take a backseat. That time you won’t be able to ‘sit this one out’.

How naive are you to think that you shouldn’t be scared of this and it won’t cause a ripple effect in your country too?

Listen to me very carefully.

The situation we’re in right now, you should be panicking.

You shouldn’t be able to sleep. You should feel fear. You should feel uneasy.

There are too many lies.

Too much that we can’t understand.

Too much violence.

Too much chaos.

Too much deception.

All this is bound to have a ripple effect across all parts of the world.

AND AMONG ALL OF THIS, you can’t think that you’re good enough by either picking a side or staying out of it.

Educate yourself and confirm everything multiple times before you decide to believe something.

Don’t hop on the hate bandwagon for no reason.

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