Who’s to be blamed?

Nobody’s a stranger to what happened in Kolkata recently.

Yet most people I met weren’t that shocked. The only reason for this is that people, to some extent, are immune to this.

The last few decades have introduced us to things that people haven’t been able to stomach at first.

And a few weeks later, we go back to our normal lives, thinking that it won’t happen again, hopefully!

Till it happens again, worse than the last time.

So what could be changed?

The law?

Yes, very much!

But you and I both know that law is one of those things that’s flexible, created for certain benefits for certain whoever's and isn’t going to change just like that.

You’ve to understand that events like these aren’t a rare occurrence. Somebody on Twitter today posted 8 headlines from 8 different parts of the country, talking about new rapes and murders.

So what should we do?

Tie all men to poles and shoot them? Or put all women under house arrest and never let any other man’s gaze fall on them?

Well, neither! And most of you who say either of these statements really surprise me.

Again, so what should we do?

Nobody is taught to rape and kill.

But every person’s mind stretches within a spectrum of sane and humane vs insane and inhumane.

And the actions you do depend on which spectrum you operate under. Most people can easily tolerate a push in a metro or a scratch on their car. You wouldn’t mind it much. But for some, a minor inconvenience will cause them to draw blood.

The emotional control you have over yourself as a man very much affects the world around you.

In one of my previous newsletters, I unequivocally said this, “If you are a weak man who’s going through life, and you’re constantly upset by everything, constantly depressed by everything, and you don’t have the strength to resist the trials and tribulations of being a man, how could you possibly go any good to anybody?”

In the world now, weak men, who are emotionally led, impulsive, and not particularly stoic, are what could be found anywhere. 

The most heinous and atrocious things are done by weak men. 

A robber isn’t a strong man. A man who hurts women isn’t a strong man. 

It’s a man who’s never learned any emotional control, is the kind of person who does exactly what the TV tells him to do - ACT OUT YOUR FEELINGS, CRY WHEN YOU WANT TO CRY. 

Weak men do the worst things. 

A mush, not-amounting-to-anything, gooey man hurts women. 

A weak man robs stores because they don’t want to wake up and work hard with dignity. A weak man steals. These aren’t the traits of strong men.

To be a good man now, you have to be a very weak one. And these atrocities in society, the degeneracy, and the crimes around us, this is all weak man stuff.

As a man, I’m telling you that you aren’t fulfilling your role at all.

We’re heading towards mass destruction and cowardice anyway.

The least you can do is to stand up, inflict a change within yourself, and build the courage and strength to keep the people in your life safe.


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