Why Kashmir?

Have you ever observed something so persistently that you’re to actually think about it deeply?

Something like how the world around is so by design.

Or how tax is a scam.

Or how Taylor Swift guilt-trips you into buying her Taylor’s version.

I spend most weeks in Kashmir.

I often have to answer people who ask me how long I’m staying because honestly, I don’t know either.

I often have to stop myself from cussing at a driver who pulls right by my left side on a busy road.

I often purchase from Amazon because most of what I need, I don’t find in Kashmir.

I often skip cycling here and go to the gym in my car because the lanes are too tight and the roads are dusty.

I often feel like going on a walk and turn my mind off but I remember I’d have to greet every neighbor I meet along the way.

I often don’t go out in shorts because my mum worries about what the people would say.

I often want to be reckless with my money here but there’s nothing to spend your money on here.

Kashmir is an interesting place for me.

I always ask myself, “What if I was born in some other place in the world? Would I still prefer a place like Kashmir?”

Well, yes!

India as a country has a lot to offer.

And so does the rest of the world.

Istanbul, Kuala Lumpur, Barcelona, Mumbai, Miami, you can live like a king and have every single amenity that you’d ever want.

But the place you live in is like your favorite dessert.

Yes, a piece of your favorite Blueberry cheesecake is great. But I bet piece #11 makes you throw up.

Kashmir is a place that’s very close to the reality you’re supposed to live in.

Most other places are so pompous and convenient to live in that all you’re doing is - is ordering food on your 20th floor, posting skyscrapers on your IG stories, and going to the in-house gym that your society offers.

That steals the purpose of your life.

“Oh you’re a guy who lives at the top of a bullshit building? Oh do you have to sign a register every time you come in and out of your society? Tell me how you became so interesting!”


When you live in such a place, your holidays feel like a refresher - stepping away from where you’re currently living in.

But I can bet that a trip from Bangalore to Mumbai doesn’t change your life significantly.

Make money and blow it all on stupid things.

Get familiar with your city, know the people, and become the king of where you currently live.

Don’t compare your position in life with others. 

Become the king of the territory you’re currently in!

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