• Taha Maknoo
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  • I’m writing this to you from a prison

I’m writing this to you from a prison

It's been a while and I have a story to tell you

I’m writing this to you from a prison

I know it’s been a while since you’ve heard from me.

After my last message to you, I had a major perspective shift - so much so that I deleted everything new I was supposed to send out to you and brought everything to a halt.

It was the perfect time to reflect on my life, think about my mistakes, and think about what to do ahead.

Every man comes across a point in their life when they have to make a hard choice:

  1. Be in denial and blame the world for your mistakes

  2. Take accountability

I chose the latter.

But let me tell you something about myself that you probably don’t know about - I’m so hard on myself that you’d never be able to wrap your head around it.

If I make a mistake (which I rarely do), I punish myself above and beyond for it.

So let me tell you what I did.

Firstly, I gave away all my money. Every single dime I had in my bank account, I sent it to a charity close to my heart. I won’t say how much it was but it was very well in 7 figures - I will send you proof soon when I am ready to disclose the figure.

Now that I don’t have any money, it’s time for step 2.

Next, I gave up eating 3-time meals. I don’t have breakfast or lunch anymore. All I eat is a little food before I sleep now.

And now that I am down to a single meal a day, it’s time to suffer hardships physically.

I joined a gym to train twice a day and get beat up by the people there - EVERY SINGLE DAY. You won’t believe the scars I have now.

You know where else you face these three things?


Now that I’m in prison, I have two options again:

1. Cave into my fears, give into the negative thoughts, and stumble and crash

2. Face my fears, control my mind, bow down before my God every single day, and come out as an extremely resilient person

Can you guess which option I picked?

I’ll let you think about that.

I want you to understand one thing. Hardships make you the person you are. Being in a jail cell doesn’t mean you need to be locked up for committing a crime. Sometimes, you enter a cell voluntarily and decide to completely transform your life.

And I am quickly achieving that.

I’m not there yet but I promise you this - I am a winner.

I am a hero.

I am not your average man that sits and cries about all the hardships God sends his way. I am born to win and conquer this world. AND I WILL WIN.

Every day when I keep the door closed on my negative thoughts, bow down before my God, and constructively work towards the good of the people around me, you don’t think I sleep proudly every night?

When I decide to come out of this prison, I will let you know how far I’ve reached. I will let you know where I stand and where you stand. AND I WILL LET YOU KNOW HOW MUCH OF A DIFFERENCE THERE IS BETWEEN YOUR MINDSET AND MINE.

For the young people that recently decided to mass-subscribe to my newsletter, I will tell you something that I learned recently - Be physically strong to protect yourself from the world and be mentally strong to protect yourself from your own mind.

This newsletter is the only form of communication I have with the outer world. This is the only way I can reach out to you. Join with your email to keep hearing from me.

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