Your Untapped Power is Being Wasted

You aren't doing anything for anybody

Your Untapped Power is Being Wasted

Last week, an old acquaintance reached out to me.

The last time I’d talked to this person - practically ages ago - they were working on a small business, trying to launch it and put all the pieces together.

When I talked to this person this time around, the story was the same.

There was no progress. No next step had been taken. And things had become stagnant for this person.

I asked - “what’s the reason?”

This person says - I wish I could be doing so much more, but this situation around the world, the Gaza-Israel war, and the current state of everything is making me feel so bad about everything.

I asked, “So what do you want to do about this situation?”

They say - “I don’t know. I want to help everybody there and be there with these people and do my part”.

I asked, “So what part are you playing right now?”

There are so many groups across Twitter and so many people in the neighboring circles around me that share this very sentiment.

Everybody is trying to help. Everybody is sympathetic. Yet everybody is only playing their part by only ‘wishing’ things to happen.

Before you come at me with your explanation that prayers help, I know they do. Everybody should pray for this situation to become neutral and for the mass killings to stop.

But merely praying isn’t going to solve anybody’s situation.

I suggested something to this person, which I also want to suggest to you - 

Sitting around, sharing posts across Instagram, and adding stories isn’t the only solution. Right now, you can get up, find yourself a side income, or try to make more money from your main source of income and donate. The more you work hard, the more money you have, and the more you donate. It’s really not that difficult.

But to sloth around, tell me you only feel bad, and you don’t feel like getting out of bed is a coping mechanism. It’s a cop-out.

Passing the blame around and not taking accountability is something that losers do.

Winners witness the pain and suffering around the world, work hard to provide for themselves and the people around them, and by extension help the people witnessing this turmoil too.

Now whether you consider yourself a winner or a loser is up to you.

Don’t sit around hoping for things to get better without your involvement.

Play your part.

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